
Positive affirmations are crucial for toddlers to say as they play a pivotal role in shaping their self-esteem and overall emotional well-being. By encouraging toddlers to repeat uplifting statements, we provide them with a powerful tool to build a positive self-image. This helps to cultivate a resilient mindset from an early age.

Positive affirmations help toddlers develop a strong sense of self-worth, teaching them to believe in their abilities and embrace their uniqueness.

Positive Messages

By regularly reinforcing positive messages, toddlers learn to overcome self-doubt, manage challenges with confidence, and develop a positive outlook on life. These affirmations serve as a foundation for building a healthy self-image, nurturing a growth mindset, and fostering a resilient and optimistic attitude that will support their personal and social development throughout their lives.

The Process

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space: Encourage your toddler to sit or stand in a calm and quiet area, free from distractions. This will help them focus on their positive affirmations. We prefer to say them in front of a mirror.
  2. Take a deep breath: Teach your toddler to take a deep breath in and out, helping them relax and center their attention.
  3. Start with a smile: Encourage your toddler to put on a smile or a happy face before they begin saying their positive affirmations. Smiling can boost their mood and make the experience more enjoyable.
  4. Repeat affirmations out loud: Encourage your toddler to say each affirmation out loud, using a clear and confident voice. You can say the affirmation first, and then ask your toddler to repeat after you. Hand them the card after you read it because this also reinforces word recognition.
  5. Use gestures and actions: To make it more engaging, incorporate gestures or actions that correspond to each affirmation. For example, for the affirmation “I am strong,” your toddler can flex their muscles or raise their arms up high.
  6. Repeat affirmations daily: Make positive affirmations a part of your toddler’s daily routine. Encourage them to practice saying their affirmations every morning or before bedtime, creating a positive habit.
  7. Celebrate and reinforce: Celebrate your toddler’s efforts and accomplishments after each session. Praise them for their positive attitude and remind them of their unique qualities. Reinforce the affirmations by reminding them of their strengths throughout the day.
  8. Remember, the key is to keep it simple, fun, and age-appropriate. Adjust the directions based on your toddler’s understanding and attention span, and make the experience enjoyable for them.

Check out the Positive Affirmations we use – they are in my store!

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